Serve is a Filipino-Canadian filmmaker based in the vibrant highrise community of downtown Toronto, specifically known as "Bleecker Street." With a keen focus on exploring boyhood and sports culture within urban and familial settings, Serve's work delves into nuanced narratives that challenge and reimagine traditional adolescent gender roles and friendships.
Serve's debut feature film, “Altar Boy”, follows Daniel, a soft-spoken Filipino teen, as he navigates adolescence was released on February 2023, by Mongrel Media and is available on Netflix Canada and Apple TV. Currently, Serve is in the post-production phase of his highly anticipated second feature-length film titled "Lovely.” Additionally, he is in production of a captivating short sports-documentary titled "Kings Court" in collaboration with the esteemed National Film Board of Canada. Furthermore, Serve is diligently crafting a pilot television script and developing his third feature film script. In addition to his compelling narrative work, Serve has worked for prominent brands such as SIDIA, Oremme, Live Tinted, DKNY, Hermes, Maybelline New York, The Outset, Chronic House, Pavoi & CHANEL.
Serve is 6 feet tall, 12.1429 stones, and his shoe size is 44. He enjoys riding his bike through the city, playing basketball, and listening to music. His favourite foods are cereal, donuts and avocados.
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